e-Aadhar – How to Get e-Aadhaar Card From UIDAI Website? Complete e-Aadhar Guide (2025)

With the Government of India linking most of its services and benefits with Aadhaar card, it has become imperative for individuals to have Aadhaar card. Moreover, it is also essential to ensure that your demographics and biometric details on the Aadhaar card are always up to date and accurate.

In case there is a discrepancy in your information and Aadhaar data, you may be deemed ineligible for several government schemes and benefits. Usually, when you get a new Aadhaar card or update any information in your Aadhaar, you will receive a hard copy of the Aadhaar card through the post.

Meanwhile, you can also download your e Aadhaar card and use it in place of the regular Aadhaar card. E-Aadhaar card is equally valid across the country and can be used as a substitute to the original Aadhaar card.

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Why should you download your e-Aadhaar Card

It is not uncommon to find errors in Aadhaar cards. This might be due to a clerical error on the part of the operator or you erroneously providing incorrect information. In this scenario, you must get your Aadhaar information updated as soon as possible. Usually, after you apply for changes in your Aadhaar card, it takes a few weeks for the changes to be incorporated, and your updated Aadhaar gets dispatched through post.

Now, you can also download the e Aadhaar card through the UIDAI website with the updated details. This way, you need not wait until your Aadhaar card to arrive by post. Also, having e Aadhaar card keeps your Aadhaar information handy and eliminates the chances of you ever losing or forgetting your Aadhaar number. As it is a digital version of your normal Aadhaar, it is acceptable all over the country, without any exceptions.

Checking status of update in Aadhaar Data

If you have done any changes to the demographic information in your Aadhaar (name, age, or address), you need to first check the status of your e Aadhaar update request before downloading the card.Here are all the steps you need to check your e Aadhaar status:

Step 1: Log on to the official Aadhaar website .

e-Aadhar – How to Get e-Aadhaar Card From UIDAI Website? Complete e-Aadhar Guide (1)

Step 2: Click on the link ‘Check Status – Update done Online’ if you have applied for the changes through the self-service portal.

e-Aadhar – How to Get e-Aadhaar Card From UIDAI Website? Complete e-Aadhar Guide (2)

If you have requested for the changes at an enrolment centre, click on the link ‘Check Status – Update done at Enrolment Centre/ECMP’.

Step 3: Now, you will be redirected to the check status page, where you can check the update status of your request.

Step 4: Enter your Aadhaar number, URN and SRN (which you had received with the acknowledgement receipt when you applied to update the data). Enter the captcha and click on the ‘Get Status’ button.

e-Aadhar – How to Get e-Aadhaar Card From UIDAI Website? Complete e-Aadhar Guide (3)

Step 5: You will be able to see if your Aadhaar update request has been accepted or rejected. If it is accepted, you can proceed to download your e Aadhaar card. In case your update request has been rejected, you will see the reason for rejection and the need to apply again.

You can also visit your nearest enrolment centre to check your e Aadhaar status.

In case your update request has been rejected, you will see the reason for rejection and the need to apply again. You can also visit your nearest enrolment centre to check your e Aadhaar status.

How to download E Aadhaar Card online?

If you want to download youre-Aadhaar cardto keep a digital copy with yourself, then you can skip the above-mentioned steps to check youre Aadhaar status.Here are the steps to download youre-Aadhaar card.

Through the Self-Service Update Portal

To download your e Aadhaar card through the self-service portal of UIDAI, you must have your mobile number registered with your Aadhaar data.

Step 1: Log-on to the official UIDAI website athttps://uidai.gov.in/.

e-Aadhar – How to Get e-Aadhaar Card From UIDAI Website? Complete e-Aadhar Guide (4)

Step 2: Click on the link “Download Aadhar.”

e-Aadhar – How to Get e-Aadhaar Card From UIDAI Website? Complete e-Aadhar Guide (5)

Step 3: You will now be taken to a new page, where you will have to select the option through which you want to download the e Aadhaar. You can use your Aadhaar number, Enrolment ID or Virtual ID.

e-Aadhar – How to Get e-Aadhaar Card From UIDAI Website? Complete e-Aadhar Guide (6)

Step 4: Select any one of the above-mentioned options as you like.Now, enter all the details as required including Aadhaar number/Enrolment id/Virtual id, name and pin code.

Step 5: If you have a TOTP, you can check the box against it or otherwise leave in unchecked.

Step 6: Enter the security code and click on “Send OTP”.

e-Aadhar – How to Get e-Aadhaar Card From UIDAI Website? Complete e-Aadhar Guide (7)

Step 7: On the next screen, you have to enter the 6-digit OTP received on your registered mobile number and click on “Download Aadhaar”.

e-Aadhar – How to Get e-Aadhaar Card From UIDAI Website? Complete e-Aadhar Guide (8)

You can now take a print out of your E-Aadhar letter and use it as you like.

Through the Enrolment Centre:

If you do not have access to the internet, then you can visit your nearest Aadhaar enrolment centre to download the copy of your e-Aadhar card. Make sure you take all the documents that are required for the purpose.

The steps involved in this process are:

  1. Visit your nearest Aadhaar enrolment centre.
  2. Provide all your details to the operator such as your Aadhaar number or enrolment ID.
  3. The operator would enter all your details in the software. If you do not have your Aadhar Number or Enrolment id, then the operator would verify your identity through your biometrics.
  4. After verifying your details, you will receive a printed copy of your e-Aadhar card. The operator might charge you a nominal fee for the service.
  5. Take multiple photocopies of this e-Aadhar card and keep it safely so that you can use it as and when required.

E-Aadhaar is an excellent option for you to access your Aadhaar details as and when required, even if you do not have access to your regular Aadhaar card. It is widely accepted across India for all purposes. Always take caution to keep your Aadhaar information safe and do not share it with an unknown person.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is e-Aadhar valid?

e-Aadhar has the same validity that regular Aadhaar has.

Can I open bank account with e Aadhar?

Yes, e-Aadhaar can be used to open bank accounts.

How to change mobile number linked with Aadhaar?

To change mobile number linked with Aadhaar, you need to visit the nearest enrolment centre. This is not possible online.

How to find the nearest enrolment centre?

To find the nearest enrolment centre, you need to log on to this site.

I have not received OTP on my phone number linked with Aadhaar. What to do?

The network issues can some time result in OTP being delayed or not received. You can regenerate OTP.

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e-Aadhar – How to Get e-Aadhaar Card From UIDAI Website? Complete e-Aadhar Guide (2025)


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Name: Laurine Ryan

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